Security Clearance
Security Clearance Counseling and Appeals
Geoff Burke is a skilled attorney whose understanding of the clearance process was obtained through first-hand knowledge, as he held a Top Secret clearance while employed in public service. Mr. Burke uses his knowledge, training, and experience to fight hard to resolve issues so clients may maintain or obtain a Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential security clearance. Mr. Burke is a member of the Security Clearance Lawyers Association.

Security Clearance Counseling: Completing the SF-86 Form.
Burke Law provides comprehensive security clearance counseling. Often security clearance eligibility issues arise when the applicant submits a SF-86 form without the benefit of speaking with a security clearance lawyer or clearance attorney. As such, Burke Law consults with clients who have questions about completing the SF-86 form.
Security Clearance Counseling: The Clearance Investigation and Polygraph Examination
After submission of the SF-86, Burke Law provides instructional guidance to clients before their initial interview which is held before the government commences the security clearance investigation. Some applicants for certain positions are required to successfully complete a polygraph examination and Geoff Burke counsels’ applicants on processes utilized by federal agencies who administer counterintelligence and full scope / lifestyle polygraph examinations. Additionally, employers throughout the region call on Burke Law to draft legal memoranda and opinions regarding the eligibility of their employees to obtain or retain security clearances.
Security Clearance Representation: The Statement of Reasons or Letter of Intent
Upon completion of the clearance form and the clearance investigation on an applicant, the government may be unable to favorably resolve issues surrounding the eligibility of the applicant to hold a clearance. A statement of reasons (SOR) is then issued. Once the SOR is sent to the applicant, due process rights attach. Anyone receiving a SOR should immediately consult a security clearance attorney because there are tight deadlines in which the applicant must respond to the SOR.
Security Clearance Representation: Responding to Statement of Reasons, Interrogatories, and Security Clearance Appeals.
After receipt of the SOR, due process rights include the right of the applicant to respond to the SOR and to present evidence at a hearing. Burke Law is hired by clients to mitigate and negate concerns contained within the SOR as quickly as possible. Whenever possible, Geoff Burke quiets concerns raised in the SOR without the need for an adjudicative hearing. Once resolved, the government abandons the SOR after favorable review of the answer submitted by the security clearance attorney representing the security clearance applicant.
Security Clearance Representation: Personal Appearance and Department of Defense Hearings.
When issues cannot be resolved by means of an answer to the SOR, a full evidentiary hearing is required. At a hearing, clients receive effective legal representation from a Burke Law attorney. Evidence is presented to compel the government to conclude the applicant is eligible for a clearance upon mitigation of all concerns. Indeed, when appearing before the Department or Defense, Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOD DOHA) or federal administrative agencies, Mr. Burke enlists a host of experts and conducts thorough investigations into the facts and circumstances giving rise to governmental concern that an individual is ineligible to hold a security clearance.
Should you have questions regarding your security clearance application, polygraph, a SOR you received, or a hearing before an agency or DOD DOHA, please contact Geoff Burke for a confidential legal consultation. Mr. Burke is available to represent individuals in the DMV area, throughout the United States, and abroad.